Meet Greg & Earlene
Greg Jones, GEM Outreach Co-Founder & Co-Director
I am Greg Jones, a follower of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I wish I could proclaim this relationship from my birth, but the truth is I was a sinner, without hope.
Although I learned of Christ at the early age of 7, I grew up living without a plan or purpose. The story of his sacrifices had not yet taken over my life. Any problems that came my way, I fixed myself. I believed that all my successes were my own; I was a proud man, and I continued to turn to the world to provide me with the happiness I sought. This worked for a long time until I was getting ready to leave college. I wasn’t aware that I was a train wreck just waiting to happen until then. I crash landed on a pathway straight to hell and I did not know how to stop.
I hit rock bottom and went through many trials and tribulations; experiencing much hurt and pain. Going through this time I was a sheep without a shepherd. I began to lean on the truths I had learned at a young age and knew I had to trust someone. So I began to call on a God that I barely knew. The Holy Spirit began to work in my heart and led me to the West Dallas community. It was there that I met my dear friend and now Pastor and spiritual mentor, Arrvel Wilson and his wife, Eletha. I began pouring out my heart to him, and he’d just listen. At the end, he just said, “Let’s pray.” During that session, I asked God for forgiveness and dedicated my life to serving Him.
Soon after, I shared with my wife what happened and together we began a process of spiritual reconciliation with the center of our lives given to Jesus Christ. My wife, Earlene, and I have been together since 1971 and are nowenjoying over 40 years of marriage. The one thing God did immediately was set us free as one in Christ in His unity. We now are a model to our family: our daughter Kim, and three grandsons, Nathaniel, Noah, and Nehemiah.
God had a plan for me and He just patiently waited for me to answer His call to service for Kingdom building. I begin serving as a volunteer at West Dallas Community Church and have never looked back. I later accepted the responsibility of Outreach Director and have been serving in this position for the past 20 years. I am currently the Senior Deacon and serve in numerous ministries as we forge to make an impact in West Dallas and beyond to continue to build Christ’s Kingdom. I am a missionary for Jesus Christ for HIS service to bring all glory to GOD.
Earlene Jones, GEM Outreach Co-Founder & Co-Director
I was not always a follower of Jesus Christ. I came to accept Him as a when I was 9-years-old. I was baptized, but I did not really understand what I had done. I was in the process of understanding my decision and what to do with my faith for a long time and I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus until later in my life. My father died when I was 10-years-old and I was angry because I did not understand why. My mother always took us to church so I was churched all my life. My mother raised my four brothers and she taught us the word while teaching us right from wrong. I was a good person and attended church and served in church to be with my friends to fill the void of losing of my father.
We all graduated high school and my brothers went on to college. I chose to take some classes but did not graduate from college as they did. I moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico after high school and worked at the University of New Mexico; occasionally taking classes, still attending church and feeling that I wasokay because I was working in the church. But I knew something was missing. I did not have a close relationship with Jesus until my late 20’s. God placed a mentor in my life that walked with me and helped me understand what my mother had been living out before us and teaching us all our lives. It is so true that if even if you train a child up in the word they may depart but they will come back. I did experience things in the world and kept coming back to feeling lost, hopeless and still in need of a Savior. I knew I needed a personal relationship to experience true salvation.
I met Greg Jones in 1971. We both had been raised in church and knew from some of our life choices we were experiencing God’s grace and mercy. Through many trials and lots of pain, I came into my right relationship with Jesus and knew that God had a calling on my life. We raised our daughter up in the word and now have been called to raise our grandsons up to fear and revere Him. We have learned unconditional love through the trials of parenting our grown daughter. God has used our past and pains to minister to others.
Now, I am a woman on a mission called by God to minister hope, help and healing to the hurting and the lost. I love the Lord and serve Him with my whole heart. My relationship continues to grow as I serve on the mission field. Godhas grown me to be a prayer warrior and servant for I humbly submit myself to the Lord daily rendering my heart to Him for correction and direction.
Greg and I came to West Dallas Community Church to serve with Pastor Arrvel Wilson. I continue to grow under the presence of the Holy Spirit and Pastor Wilson’s leadership. I have grown as a woman of God under Lady Wilson’s leadership as well. I am a woman of God with strong convictions. I boldly and compassionately speak God’s truth and desire everyone I meet to know Jesus Christ and the pardon of their sins. I feel called to minister to all walks of life and God has chosen me to do that at Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center and my church. I serve with my husband Greg and our ministries join us together even closer as one.
The result of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is knowing that my desire is to please only the Lord and serve Him with my body, mind and soul. I love and fear the Lord and depend strongly on the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. I am sure of my calling as I know that when people spend time with you they should be challenged to be different when they leave you because the Spirit of the Lord is surrounding us all.